MTA Train Delays and Injuries: What Recourse Do Riders Have?

As New York City subway riders, we’ve all experienced MTA train delays. These include:

  • Waiting endlessly in a station.

  • Leaving to take a bus or walk home.

  • Getting off a train that suddenly goes out of service.

  • Being stuck on a train between stops.

These time-consuming episodes are usually just an annoying part of life—but what about situations that result in people getting hurt?

What can you and your family do when a subway delay extends beyond inconvenience into actual danger or injury?

Real Subway Injuries

Each year, many MTA riders are hurt in the subway system. Common situations include:

  1. Medical emergencies due to delays:

    • Being trapped on a train leads to a serious medical event, such as a heart attack or seizure.

  2. Power outages worsening medical conditions:

    • Stalled trains lose lighting, heating, or cooling, which exacerbates existing medical issues.

  3. Injuries during emergency exits:

    • Riders are forced to exit a train in a dark tunnel and get hurt while getting off or walking on the tracks.

  4. Malfunctions and derailments:

    • Train malfunctions or derailments cause severe injuries, such as falls or injuries from the impact of a collision.

Steps You Can Take

Train delays are frustrating, but injuries are costly, disruptive, and debilitating. If you or a family member is hurt in the subway system, follow these steps:

  1. Document the incident:

    • Record the date, time, exact location, and circumstances of the event.

  2. Photograph the scene and injuries:

    • Use your phone to take clear pictures of the area and any visible injuries.

  3. Collect witness information:

    • Get names and contact details from anyone who saw what happened.

  4. Seek medical care immediately:

    • Ensure you get proper treatment as soon as possible.

  5. Consult with an attorney:

    • Speak to an experienced lawyer to understand your legal rights and options.

Every Situation is Different

When injuries occur, it’s important to err on the side of caution. If you or someone in your family has been hurt in the subway system, take these steps to protect yourself and get the help you need.


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