It’s a Dangerous World Out There for Children
Taking a child to a baseball game is a time-honored American tradition. For generations, parents have taken their kids to the ballgame to enjoy the sights and smells of our national pastime.
However, as much fun as a baseball game can be, there are also significant dangers. In addition to the risks posed by unruly fans and sometimes hazardous commutes, the game itself can pose serious threats—particularly from flying baseballs. If kids aren’t careful, a foul ball can cause serious, even fatal, injuries.
A Child Was Hit by a Foul Ball at a Yankees Game
A few weeks ago, a young girl was struck by a foul ball at Yankee Stadium, according to a report in Sports Illustrated.
The ball was a line drive hit by Yankees third baseman Todd Frazier.
According to the New York Post, the girl faces a long road to recovery from her injuries.
With baseball games lasting longer and distractions such as cell phones becoming more prevalent, the risk of being hit by a stray ball is increasing.
Legal Liability
The Sports Illustrated article highlights the complex rules of liability for accidents in a baseball stadium.
While legal precedent varies by jurisdiction, there is often an opportunity to obtain compensation for injuries sustained at public events like baseball games.
What to Do if Your Child is Injured
If your child is injured at a baseball game or another public place, there are numerous legal rules that can make obtaining compensation complicated.
The First Step:
Contact an experienced lawyer who understands this type of case.
Why Experience Matters:
An experienced attorney can:
Help you navigate the various laws and limitations surrounding such lawsuits.
Ensure you understand your rights and options for obtaining compensation.
When it comes to your children, work with the best. The right lawyer can make all the difference in protecting their rights and ensuring a fair recovery.